
The intent here is to provide some kind of fundamental knowledge with respect to bitcoin.

As a starting point the material here is currently heavily inspired by the draft version of the book Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies by

The long term intention is to extend the material as much as it makes sense meanwhile weaving a connection to the engineering side of bitcoin.

Computer Science of Bitcoin

The goal of this section is to dwell on the fundamentals of bitcoin from the point of view of data structures and algorithms.

Some of the key concepts are:

  • secure hash functions
  • hash pointers and pointer-based acyclic data structures
  • digital signatures
  • cryptocurrencies

Cryptographic Hash Functions

Very briefly, a basic hash function has three main characteristics:

  • input value is a string of any size
  • output value is of fixed size (i.e.: 256 bits)
  • for a string of n bits, the hash function has a running time of O(n)

This is more or less good enough to implement a hash table.

In order to make the basic hash function cryptographically secure, three additional characteristics are required:

  • collision‐resistance
  • hiding
  • puzzle‐friendliness

A hash collition means that for two different input strings the hash function returns the same hash.

Hash functions have collisions since the number of possible inputs is infinite whereas the number of possible outputs is finite.

A hash function is collision-resistant if it is computationally hard to find its collisions.
Reverse engineering a hash function is computationally hard. That is, given the output of a hash function, the input string cannot be found.
Very roughly this means that one can pick a puzzle id, k, and bind it to a target result y, such that it is difficult to find a value x, which when fed to the hash function in combination with k, will yield y. By difficult, is meant that there are no better approaches than random trials, and that finding x requires substantial time, more than 2^n for if y has n bits.

Hash function in use in Bitcoin

Several cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin use a hash function named SHA-256 for verifying transactions and calculating proof-of-work or proof-of-stake. [1]

For a more in-depth study of the SHA-256 hash function one may consult Descriptions of SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512 by NIST.

Hash Pointer -based Data Structures

A hash pointer points to a location where data is stored along with the hash of that data at a given point in time.

Using a hash pointer one can retrieve the data, and verify that the data hasn’t changed.

Using hash pointers, one can build various pointer-based acyclic data structures such as linked lists, trees, and more generally directed acyclic graphs.

The bitcoin blockchain can be viewed as a linked list of binary trees, relying on hash pointers. The hash pointer -based linked list is more precisely called a hash chain, whereas the hash pointer -based binary tree is called a hash tree, or Merkle tree, named after its inventor Ralph Merkle.

Transactions are assembled into a hash tree to form a “block.” Those blocks are then linked to form a hash chain (block chain).


Binary hash trees make it relatively efficient to show the chain of transactions a transaction is linked to within a tree. For a tree with n transactions, only about log(n) transactions are necessary.

Digital Signatures

A digital signature requires three steps:

  • private / public key pair generation
  • signature
  • verification

Expressed in code:

private_key, public_key = generate_key_pair(key_size, passphrase=None)

signature = sign(private_key, message)

is_valid = verify(public_key, message, signature)

There are two important requirements, one somewhat obvious, and the other more complex.

  • Valid signatures must verify. That is:
verify(public_key, message, sign(private_key, message)) is True
  • Reverse engineering the digital signature scheme, aka forging signatures is computationally impossible. That is, for any given message for which the the signature, and public key are known, it is not possible to find the private key, or to figure out how to create new valid signatures for different messages.

ECDSA: digital signature used in Bitcoin

For its digital signatures Bitcoin uses the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) [3] with a specific curve that is fine-tuned via the domain parameters known as secp256k1.

Sizes of keys, message, and signature when using ECDSA [2]

  • Private key: 256 bits
  • Public key, uncompressed: 512 bits
  • Public key, compressed: 257 bits
  • Message to be signed: 256 bits
  • Signature: 512 bits

Public Keys as Identities & Bitcoin Addresses

Using a digital signature scheme, public keys can be used as identities. In Bitcoin, public keys are used to identify the sender and receiver in a transaction. Bitcoin refers to these public keys as “addresses”. The sender can sign the transaction with their private key, meanwhile the receiver can verify the signature of the transaction using the public key of the sender.

Two Simple Cryptocurrency Models

To make it easier to understand how bitcoin works, Narayanan et al. [2] present two simplified cryptocurrency models, which they call “GoofyCoin”, and “ScroogeCoin”. The first model (GoofyCoin) is somewhat naive, especially with respect to double-spending attacks, and is therefore insecure. The second model (ScroogeCoin) resolves the double-spending attack problem, but depends on the honesty of Scrooge, and is therefore centralized. This section briefly reviews these two models, which are somewhat useful to build upon to understand how bitcoin works.


Double-spending attacks

“Double-spending is the result of successfully spending some money more than once. Bitcoin protects against double spending by verifying each transaction added to the block chain to ensure that the inputs for the transaction had not previously already been spent.” [4]

GoofyCoin: a ledger-less cryptocurrency

The GoofyCoin cryptocurrency model is based on two main principles:

  1. One authority (Goofy) can create coins at will, and assign these newly created coins to themself.
  2. The owner of a coin can transfer their coin to whomever they wish.

Coin Creation

The creation of a goofycoin works like so:

coin_id = generate_unique_coin_id()
coin_creation_msg = 'create_coin [coin_id]'
coin_creation_signature = sign(goofy_private_key, coin_creation_msg)

The coin_creation_msg and coin_creation_signature, taken together, form a coin. For this example, let’s say that a coin is a tuple:

goofycoin = (coin_creation_msg, coin_creation_signature)

In a more explicit manner:

goofycoin = (
    'create_coin [coin_id]',
    sign(goofy_private_key,  'create_coin [coin_id]'),

Using the public key of Goofy, anyone can verify whether a goofycoin is valid:

is_valid = verify(goofy_public_key, goofy_coin[0], goofy_coin[1])

or more explicitly:

is_valid = verify(
    'create_coin [coin_id]',

Lastly, in order to be able to refrence the coin, in future transactions, we can hash the information of the coin, such that referencing the coin will be done via the hash. So let’s assume the following dictionary, for the coin creation transaction:

transaction = {
    coin_hash: 'a9f268dbfda',
    coin : (
        'create_coin [coin_id]',
        sign(goofy_private_key,  'create_coin [coin_id]'),

Coin Transfer

To transfer the above coin (a9f268dbfda) to Alice, Goofy would create the following transaction:

transaction = {
    coin_hash: 'b3a364d1a1z',
    coin : (
        'pay_to alice_pubkey: a9f268dbfda',
        sign(goofy_private_key, 'pay_to alice_pubkey: a9f268dbfda'),

If Alice wanted to transfer her new coin (b3a364d1a1z) to Bob, she would then create the following transaction:

transaction = {
    coin_hash: '86b9dd63864',
    coin : (
        'pay_to bob_pubkey: b3a364d1a1z',
        sign(alice_private_key, 'pay_to bob_pubkey: b3a364d1a1z'),

The GoofyCoin model does not prevent Alice from transferring the same coin to multiple recipients. Hence, in addition to the previous transfer she made to Bob, Alice could transfer the same coin to Carol:

transaction = {
    coin_hash: 'a1z2g5pw34',
    coin : (
        'pay_to carol_pubkey: b3a364d1a1z',
        sign(alice_private_key, 'pay_to carol_pubkey: b3a364d1a1z'),

The two transactions (86b9dd63864, a1z2g5pw34) are conflicting, because two people can’t own the same coin at the same time.

Next section will show how double-spending attacks can be prevented via a centralized ledger, which keeps track of past transactions.

ScroogeCoin – a ledger-based cryptocurrency

The ScroogeCoin model relies on an append-only public ledger in which transactions are permanently recorded.

The ledger is maintained by a trusted authority, Scrooge, who can also issue new coins.

A rough sketch of the data structure of the ledger is as follwos;

{'prev': 0,
 'tx_id': 0,
 'tx': {...}},

{'prev': hash_function(tx_0),
 'tx_id': 1,
 'tx': {...}},

{'prev': hash_function(tx_1),
 'tx_id': 2,
 'tx': {...}},


The chain of transactions cannot be tempered with because of the use of hash pointers. For example, if the content of transaction 1 was changed, the pointer in transaction 2 would no longer point to transaction 1, and the chain would be broken.

The final hash pointer of the chain is signed by the trusted authority, Scrooge, who then publishes the chain. In this model, a transaction that is not in the signed chain is ignored. Ii is the responsibility of the trusted authority to verify that a transaction is not a double spend.

The ScroogeCoin model supports two types of transactions;

Creates new coins, and is valid if signed by the trusted authority, Scrooge.
Consumes coins, and produces new coins of the same value, that may belong to new people. The transaction must be signed by each owner of the consumed coins. Moreover, each input coin must not have been already spent.

A new transaction must be validated by the trusted authority, and once validated will be signed and added to the chain of transactions, at which point, and only then, the new transaction will be considered to have occurred.

This model works reasonably well, except for the dependence on a trusted authority. In brief:

  • The very existence of the chain relies on one central power.
  • The central power can create unlimited amount of coins for itself.
  • The central power can deny service to whomever it wishes by simply ignoring transactions.
  • The central power can require users of the system to pay fees in order for their transactions to be considered.

The above problems seem sufficient to motivate efforts to decentralize the ScroogeCoin model. This brings the next topic of study: how can such a system be efficiently decentralized?